Friday, May 23, 2008

Bootstrapping Progress

Our GSoC Student Ranjith Kannikara has already started making progress on his effort to get Zope 2 running atop of Python 2.5.

As for myself, I've managed to compile and start Zope trunk on Python 2.5, and just the fact it starts up fine is very assuring.

To help Ranjith, and to keep track of progress myself I have set up a buildbot that will be running the tests twice a day. The results look promising. But I'm skipping some tests (ZODB, ZConfig and ZEO).

Lastly, we are still in the process of getting Ranjith commit access to He already submitted the documentation, and now he just has to submit his ssh keys.

I've invited Ranjith to post to this blog, which he says he will be doing frequently.

That's it for this week. See you next friday!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Zope Porting Announcement

Due to growing interest in porting Zope to different versions of Python and different Python implementations, I have started this blog to help track the efforts.

Last year, the Zope Foundation, through the Google Summer of Code program had a sponsored student working on porting Zope 3 to Python 2.5.

This year, we have another student, this time working on porting Zope 2 to Python 2.5, and another student through the Python Software Foundation will be working on porting Zope to Jython.

Expect to see status reports following shortly, as this year's Summer of Code program officially begins on May 26.

In addition to this blog, I've created a Zope Porting group on Google Groups, for more general discussion. If you're interested on helping out with porting Zope to Python 2.5, Jython, or even PyPy or IronPython, please join this group and contribute!